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Stamford Patch:
Stamford TV Producer Jeffery Wyant Takes Aim At The $27 Billion Self-Storage Market
Jeffrey Wyant Part of Marketing Team for Game-Changing Storage Solution for Homeowners
Last year, Americans spent $27 billion at self-storage facilities. Now, Stamford TV producer Jeffrey Wyant hopes to save Americans a few billion dollars, by helping them convert their unused attics to storage space. The solution is new modular flooring invention that rolls out over attic joists like a yoga mat.

Full House, Empty Attic
Professional Organizer Susan Lovallo: "solid flooring is key to using the attic as storage space"

Full House, Empty Attic
It happens often during the first session with a client -- we do a walk-through of their home, and it is obvious that they are out of space.
"We love our home," they say. "The kids are happy at their school, we have great neighbors, this location is fabulous, but we are out of room.”
"What is in the attic?" I ask them.
They look at me with surprise. "It's empty.”
Until now people have frequently all but forgotten about using the attic as storage space. This is a prime storage room that has been underutilized. Older homes were not built for the modern family. Often the single-family home has small closets and limited storage space. As a society, we are busier than we have ever been, and that means more stuff. We have more clothing, toys, sports equipment, electronics, holiday decorations. This was not factored in when homes were built 50 years ago, when life was simpler and people had fewer possessions. Where can you go in your home when all the small amount of space your have is filled? Go up. Up to the attic.
The attic can bring tremendous relief to the homeowner. It is time to utilize the attic and make it part of your home storage solution. Using the attic can mean the difference between staying in your beloved home and moving.
As a Professional Organizer, my job is to help people organize their homes, de-clutter, and make the best use of the space they have. This is why utilizing that empty attic makes so much sense. The attic has many benefits as a storage solution:
- It’s dry -- Here in the northeast, our attics are insulated to protect our homes from the harsh winters that include cold, snow, and ice. We keep our attics free of air leaks and well ventilated, and we pay attention to our roofing. These steps keep the attic dry and free from drips, cracks, and moisture. Our attics are an important factor in the overall condition of our homes.
- It stays clean -- Because it is out of the everyday flow, attics don't get the dirt, grease, and grime like the rest of the house. It does not require scrubbing, water, or detergents. Just a quick sweeping or vacuuming once in a while is all you need to keep this area clean.
- There’s no traffic -- Want to prevent your kids from knocking over something important? The attic is a safe place to keep your treasured items out of harm’s way.
- There’s no smell -- We all know that, despite our best efforts, it is hard to neutralize "that basement smell.” Attics don't have that musty smell inherent in most basements.
- The attic is out of the way -- No need to be tripping over items when the attic provides a great out-of-the-way storage spot. When you use a product year-round, it belongs in the main part of your home. When you use it once a year or once in a while, keep it in the attic.
There are a few rules I follow when organizing an attic:
- The number one attic storage rule - No clutter in the attic! (Really no clutter in the whole house is a good rule too). Sort, purge, and organize before storing items in the attic.
- No photographs in the attic - If you have printed photographs they like to live in the same temperature you do. They belong in the main part of your home and not in the attic, basement, or garage.
- Inventory list - Keep a written list of what you are storing in your attic. This will serve as a handy reference you can access anytime.
Of course good, solid flooring is key to using the attic as storage space. It is unsafe to be walking in your attic or placing boxes on the rafters without proper flooring. An excellent home improvement project is to make your attic a usable space. For years, plywood was the only option, but this is a difficult do-it-yourself project for most folks. Hiring a contractor can be expensive. Check out this brand-new product called Lock & Rollin Flooring Solutions, LLC. It is fast, easy, and made in the USA! In one afternoon, you can change a raw attic floor into a beautiful, strong floor that you can use immediately. This is the most exciting organizing product I have seen in years. Happy organizing!