Frequently Asked Questions:

Is the floor durable even if the area gets a lot of use?
Lock & Rollin flooring is extremely durable and will withstand the heavy use of sliding boxes and storing your items securely for many years to come. While it is not recommended for high traffic areas, as a storage solution Lock & Rollin should remain strong and functional for the life of its installation.
May I use this flooring in other parts of my home?
Lock & Rollin flooring is appropriate for use in any storage area that has 16” on center joists available, such as behind knee walls, in crawl spaces, eaves overhangs. While Lock and Rollin can be used in other areas, it is recommended only for storage areas, however be on alert and look out for other Lock & Rollin innovations to come using the same easy roll and lock technology in the near future.
How much weight can the floor hold?
Lock & Rollin flooring can hold an impressive 250 lbs per square foot. That equates to several thousand pounds per roll, or as much weight as your attic can safely hold. However, be aware that per square foot is relative to the area of weight disbursed by the object put on it: for example several dozen large wide boxes or chests can be securely held by Lock & Rollin flooring as boxes have a large wide foot print. A table, with 4 pointed and small footprint legs may exceed the 250lbs weight limit if placed on Lock & rolling flooring, as table legs concentrate load onto 4 small points relative to the size of the legs. For this reason it is recommend that items such as table be placed over the joists to ensure that the load will remain stable; however you will find that Lock & Rollin will stand the challenge of most large and bulky storage bins, boxes and containers you can load upon it, a cumulative weight of hundreds to thousands of pounds.
Do I have to put in each and every screw hole?
While it is recommended for maximum strength and security of the flooring, it is not necessary for light use and where one is not going to stand on the floor, such as a crawl space. It is recommended that all screws at the outward edges of the roll be utilized, as the center sits on the joist, they may be omitted if necessary.
Will the flooring become moldy or deteriorate if I clean it with a wet mop?
Lock & Rollin is impervious to moisture, and will not deteriorate when washed. It is recommended however to use only a damp mop as additional water from a sopping mop maw soak into surrounding insulation or even onto the underlying sheetrock of your ceiling below. The beautiful wood grain finish will remain beautiful for years to come with proper periodic cleaning.
Will moisture and air from below be trapped under the flooring?
No: Lock & Rollin flooring has sufficient gaps inherent to its articulation joints to allow the passage of moisture and air currents that are typical to a properly insulated attic.
What if a wire or TV cable is over the beam?
Television cables and low voltage cables can easily be laid under Lock & Rollin Flooring! Under Each slat, a pre molded channel securely holds coaxial style television line as well as household low voltage wiring both securely and without danger of screws piercing the wire. Simply lay the wire in the molded wire and cable slot located on the underside of each slat then secure the slat down. Larger cables such as high voltage and A/C lines which are too large for the molded slot may be lifted and remain on top of the flooring: always consult a certified electrical contractor when working with or moving unfamiliar wires.
Can I cut flooring if needed?
Lock & Rolling slats can easily be cut with any standard saw, allowing the shortening of a single slat to create a cavity through which a pipe or other obstruction may protrude. Simply remove the slat(s) which need to be shortened and cut as you would wood. When installing Lock & Rollin flooring it is highly recommended to leave a minimum of 2 securing ports to the length of each cut slat, in any configuration, either one at each end or two adjacent, to ensure the integrity and convenience of continuing installation after a cut slat is reinserted into a roll. Use all necessary safety equipment and caution when operating any type of saw.
What if a vertical vent pipe is in the area I want to use?
Lock & Rolling slats can easily be cut with any standard saw, allowing the shortening of a single slat to create a cavity through which a pipe can protrude. Simply remove the slat(s) which would normally interfere with the pipe, measure and cut the slats to ¼” wider than the pipes diameter, and reinstall the slat next to the pipe. Continue with full length Lock& Rollin slats on each side of the pipe. Secure Lock & Rollin Flooring with each screw port which remains to maintain strength.
What if insulation is currently over the beams or blown in over my usable floor area?
Attic insulation typically exists in two forms: rolled fiberglass and blown in fiber insulation. Rolled Insulation may be lightly pressed down between the joists, allowing Lock & Rollin flooring to be rolled out over the insulation. Blown fiber insulation may be pushed with a broom into either un-insulated areas of the Attic, or swept away to an area adjacent to the Lock & Rollin flooring, effectively clearing the area without affecting overall R-value of the attic. Ideally Insulation should never be removed from the attic, only redistributed.
Can I add to the flooring once I install it creating a larger space, if so how?
Lock & Rollin flooring can be added to previously installed flooring in two orientations: adding to the length of an existing install or adding a second roll adjacent to an existing roll. When adding to the length, it is advisable to remove the screws from 3 slats of the pre-installed floor and slide your new roll onto the old roll. The removal of the 3 original slats makes adding length much easier than attempting to combine rolls while entirely secured, simply slide together and roll out the entire length and secure as usual.
To add an adjacent roll for added width:
Since Lock & Rolling is designed to lay side by side next to itself on the same joist, adding width is simple, simply lay it down and install. The pre-moulded screw ports ensure that screws will secure the floor without undue tearing or pressure on the beams, and that each screw hit will be staggered against a pre-installed roll. Always install Lock & Rollin flooring along the center of a joist beam rather than starting on its edge, to ensure room for an adjacent roll in the future.
Can I go around a hi-hat that is sticking up over the beam tops in an area I want to cover?
Absolutely, hi-hats should be treated the same as pipes, however a larger gap should be made on all sides of a hi-hat to allow proper heat ventilation. That gap is recommended to be at least four inches (4”+).
How can I keep going forward with screwing down my flooring where the beams spacing changes at a bearing wall? Because the beams coming from the other side of my house meet with the beams I am working on. And now the beams from the other side of my home are next to the ones I’ve been using. Changing the alignment by an inch and a half from those I’ve been working with?
You will need to re-align Lock & Rollin Flooring with the center of the joist beams at the point of the shift, where the beams again resume a regular pattern. Simply secure Lock & Rollin down to the point of the bearing beam, if the beam is wood, you may secure to the beam itself, if steel, simply lay on top of it. Now shift the slats to match the joists of the next section, left or right to match the center point of the joists, ensuring room for adjacent rolls of Lock & Rollin to be secured to the same joist.
Can I drill a hole through the floor once installed?
Lock & Rollin can easily be drilled with any screw bit made for plastic or metal. Holes should be made in the center of a single slat, and should not be made larger than 1-3/4”, holes large than recommended should be made using the cut method as used for stand pipes and hi-hat lighting.